AMFC is hosting a Funfly at the club on Saturday 31st, August – all MACI members welcome.
MACI and AMFC rules apply including IAA registration and Large Model Certs if necessary. All attendees must abide by Flight line directors instructions at all times. All RC model types welcome – Aerobatics, Scale, Gliders, Helis, Jets, EDF etc
10am Pilots briefing
5pm Raffle prize draw
Bring and buy/sell area
Charging outlet, Tea/Coffee, and portaloo onsite
BYO picnic / disposable bbqs welcome
Camping on Saturday night / flying Sunday available if weather allows.
For Site access, directions, and camping contact: 083 426 5825
In case of inclement weather the event may be held over until Sunday 1st September, or Saturday 7th of September. Committee will advise on the Thursday before.